
Connecting with the Creator: Ty Solo

Ty Solo is a name you can bet will continue to ring bells. A calming aura, delighting smile, great sense of humor, and a true love and appreciation for the skills and science of artistic expression are just a few things that make him the interestingly unique individual that he is and makes one even more curious about his works of art. An artist of all trades: paintings, logos, photography, clothing, and even playing cards are some forms in which he is able to express his artistic spirit. Stay tuned and read on to learn about how his journey began, tips he has for other artists, and his upcoming projects.

Q: When/where did your love of art first start?
A: My love for art first started at home. I was young and the only child; so, I would usually find myself playing alone. This helped tremendously when it came to developing my creativity.

Q: What was the moment when you knew that being an artist was the career of your life?
A: I always knew being an artist in some form would mold its way around my life’s work. But there was one moment after graduating high school in 2014 and finding myself still enthusiastic about my next new drawing pad reminded me of just how intricate this practice was to my life. I knew then it would take a turn for the best if I ran with it.

Q: Do you have any advice for small town artists that may feel stuck and without resources or avenues to branch out?
A: GO.

Q: What has been your proudest moment as an artist thus far?
A: I have had many proud moments. I try to stay humble, but Erykah Badu freaking loves my work bro! lmfao. She’s a legend.

Q: Where/how do you gain inspiration?
A: I gain inspiration everywhere I go by simply observing.

Q: How would you describe your art style?
A: I’d say my art style is inquisitive. That’s all I have right now. My art style takes on various forms.

Q: You’re an all-around artist: visual, graphics/logos, photography, clothing, home decor, and you even have your own set of playing cards. What keeps you so thirsty for expansion and elevation within the artistic realm?
A: Yes, I am. What quenches my thirst is innovation. I love to try new things and explore different avenues artistically. I love working on a project and seeing it through. I love the entire concept of design. It’s so cool to grasp an intangible idea and give it life.

Q: Tips for those going through artist’s block?
A: Try new things. Step out of routine or just take a break. As creatives we can get so overwhelmed to the point of a blockage, oxymoronically. It’s important to slow down and take your time.

Q: Going back to you being an all-around artist, I know you’ve started dabbling into fashion design with the Solo Kimono. Is this the start of something special? Can we look forward to more clothing designs from Ty Solo?
A: Yes, it is the start of something special. As you know, I love design. I plan on rolling with art and fashion for long term. Definitely expect new drops in the near future.

Q: What new projects should your supporters look out for?
A: Great timing actually. My new photobook TySolo Curio just dropped. It’s the first edition to my Curio Collection, which, if you look up the word “curio”, it is pretty self-explanatory. I don’t want to give away too much, but be on the lookout for some real deal interior.

Q: Where should people go to follow and keep up with everything amazing and new that you plan to immerse yourself in?
A: Go to my website tysolostudio.com and click “press” or follow me on IG @tysolostudio.

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