Avery – Foreign (Audio)

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/264855216″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] New record from Avery called Foreign. Yall go check it out.

Live From St Roch (Entertainment)

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We recently had a chance to run across this brother Ed Robinson while at our visit at the local radio station and he’s put together a book called Live from St. Roch.  The book is a fictional story highlighting residents sharing their ups and downs while living in an inner city New Orleans neighborhood. Ed Robinson is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. He grew up in an inner-city, working class neighborhood in downtown New Orleans’s eighth ward called St. Roch (pronounced Rock). Ed has eleven years of broadcasting experience in radio and television. He began his career in his hometown working with a company called Faith Productions as a production assistant. His next stop took him to FOX affiliate, WVUE-TV as a production assistant and assignment desk assistant. During his time with the station, he helped cover stories such as Congressman William Jefferson’s arrest by FBI agents, Tropical Storm Cindy and Hurricane Katrina. After Hurricane Katrina, Robinson would settle in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he would work for several radio broadcasting companies. He currently resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he works at a radio station. The book “Live from St. Roch” is available for purchase on digital download at Lulu.Com. To find out more about me, click on the artist spotlight tab when you’re purchasing the book. Here is the link to purchase the e-book on Lulu.Com:

Antwon – In My Own Lane (Download)

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New project from In Your Earhole Productions called In My Own Lane from artist Antwon. Download it with the link below.
“Antwon aka Antwon Banks comes from Baker, LA with his debut mixtape ‘In My Own Lane’! He has a soulful that comes from the deep woods of the Dirty South. He has a sound that can make you go to the dance floor and to your ride when its time to hit the slab. He has a sound of Robin Thicke, T Pain, Pitbull, & Baby Bash all of that combined with the sounds of the South!!!”