Exclusive – Big Lo – Wunderland Apokalypse Review by Tubbi of the Nerdy Bird Site

“Wunderland Apokalypse”

A Big Lo Project

Written by Tubbi of the Nerdy Bird Site

I was recently approached about the opportunity to review a project for the well-known hip hop recording artist/ producer from Florida who is sporting the artistry name Big Lo. He has recently dropped a new EP on the eleventh of July entitled “Wunderland Apokalypse” and is touring as we speak in order to show case it. All in all, the project is a well-structured, well produced, original hip hop work that is embodied by the truth of storytelling and rhythmic word play.
The project consist of eight tracks and it runs for the duration of seventeen minutes and fifteen seconds exactly. Uniquely, each track is attributed to the instrumental work of a different producer; including production from Sacred Crates, Fan Ran, and Lil Tal this project vibes with the traditional feels of Hip Hop. Unlike and other artist in his area, Big Lo is creating smooth well executed lyrical content, that invites audiences into his deeper realms of self-expression as he provides witty punchlines and clever double entendre.
This EP gives you a glimpse into the overall thought process and idealisms that are embedded deep within the mind of the artist. He shares his experiences, his present day life and family endeavors in small doses, and touches on the daily obstacles that are presently faced. Pulling samples from well-known songs and movie scenes, this project allows the creativity and personality of Big Lo flow through as an artist.
From beginning to end, the work is filled with clever wordplay, authentic hip hop vibes, uniquely composed instrumentals and well-structured features that complement the tracks holistically. This is music for the hip hop enthusiast.  It makes you think and it opens your mind to a better understanding of unique perception and personal reality. Overall, the project is worthy of a listen as it allows audiences to experience, relate, and ponder on the emotional and physiological connections held by Big Lo. The project is available on all digital streaming sites including
The Nerdy Bird Site is giving Big Lo and everyone involved in the execution of “Wunderland Apokalypse” 4 Stars For Creativity! 5 Stars For Innovation! 4 Stars For Lyrical Content! 5 Stars For Culture! 4 Stars For Highly Influential Vibes! & 4 Stars For Dopeness!
Make sure to visit the Nerdy Bird’s Blog at for more reviews.

Mozzy & Gunplay -That Eazy (Audio)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] After announcing their collaborative union with “They Know,” Mozzy & Gunplay are back with a new single, “That Eazy.”