Kickin The Real – Liz Robinson (Louis Bad Azz Mom) Interview with Tubbi of the Nerdy Bird Site

On this week’s episode of “Kickin The Real”, industry journalist & personality Tubbi of The Nerdy Bird Site conducts an interview with the mother of Baton Rouge superstar Louis Badazz, Liz Robinson. Throughout this interview Tubbi & Ms Robinson discuss a variety of topics including the murder of her son, her son’s ascension in the rap game, violence in hip hop, and so much more in this exclusive interview.

Hella High – Episode 10 ft Josh Simmons

Hella High is a new show on hosted by Antidote A&R Legend Made. On “Hella High” Legend Made discusses Weed, Weed Culture, and the effect it has on the Hip Hop Industry. In this episode of “Hella High” Legend interviews artist Josh Simmons and they discuss a variety of topics like his trip to California, the legalization of weed, his music, and so much more in this interview.