ThaAntidote & Thirty86 Plugged In Listening Party (Part III) (Video) & are back with their signature “Plugged In” Listening Party featuring some of the hottest artists in the city including Chen, Keazy Lutchie, Sycamoore, Ron, B-Thone, Tony Tumac, Joe Scott, Toy Brandon, Legend Made, Lil Mike 23, and more. Also, we have some of the most influential DJs in the city on our panel including DJ New Orleans, DJ Chilly Chill, DJ Cool Cat, DJ Black, DJ Rock Ya Body, DJ I Am Ronnie B, & more. Shoutout to our sponsors In Your Ear Hole Productions & Jeanisis Clothing.

Gorilla Zoe – On Me (Audio)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Today, Gorilla Zoe releases the second single, “On Me,” from Gorilla Warfare.

Lord D'Andre $mith – Recipe (Audio)
Lord D’Andre $mith is a rising hip-hop artist/producer from the small town of Dublin, Georgia. His style of music is very creative and usually consists of smooth 808 infused instrumentals laced with melodic vocals full of fun, lyrical wordplay. Lord’s latest single, “Recipe” greatly fits that description. The self-produced track is definitely a fan favorite and it certainly proves that Lord has a lot of potential.